The Most Serious Heresy

"Most Serious Heresy" cartoon by nakedpastor David Hayward


It's always surprising to me when a person gets persecuted for standing up for the rights of others. No, it's not. It happens All. The. Time. I wrote recently about Vicky Beeching. It got so fierce with her she had to leave the internet for a while. Then there's the Jen Hatmaker story. The rejection she suffers is sad. There are so many similar stories. This frankly authoritarian approach is the historic and expected response of a church desperately trying to regain its languishing power and which will only make things worse. What are these people persecuted and rejected for? Love and inclusion. It will get you killed. Maybe spiritually. Certainly socially. Definitely ecclesiastically. Hopefully not physically. It's the most serious heresy.
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