How To Overcome Your Fear of Hell

One of the areas I love helping people with is spiritual transition. Deconstruction.I empower people to do that, and to do it well.

My observation is that one of the most terrifying aspects of changing beliefs or losing faith is the fear of Hell.

That's why I drew this cartoon, "Literal Hell".

literal hell cartoon nakedpastor david hayward

(Click on image for a digital download of it, or click HERE!)

If you've been raised your whole life to believe in a literal Hell after death, it is so enmeshed in your brain that the belief itself is cellular. If your brain has been soaked in the belief that if you don't believe in Hell then you'll spend eternity there, how do you recover from that?

It's very real. Not Hell, but the fear of it.

But, I've worked with enough people now to know that given a listening ear, a gracious and spacious space to question and vent, as well as time, people recover and achieve peace of mind where they are no longer anxious about Hell. It becomes a non-issue of no concern.

We can grow to understand that the idea of Hell was useful for a while to keep us in line and to keep us perpetually afraid of punishment for our disobedience and faithlessness. You see, time is a mental construct, and concepts like eternity and afterlife are parts of this construct. This is where fear and suffering thrive.

All there is is now. Always. And this is where there is peace.

Related Deconstruction Resources

5 Stages Of The Deconstruction Of Your Beliefs
Can Your Marriage Survive Deconstruction?
How are Deconstruction and Bull Riding the Same?

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